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Work at Abisko Adventure

Jobs & internships

Ice climber in Abisko with Ice screw

Join our team

We are hiring!

At the moment we are searching for a guide/on-site manager for the summer season
Scroll down a bit on this page for more information


On this page you can find our vacancies and a list of the requirements you must meet to get a job with us as a guide.
We recruit guides for each season, so stay updated here for when we post jobs.


If you are looking for a guide internship, you are welcome to submit an application for an internship. See the list below for the criteria needed for interns with us.

Spontaneous applications

If you would like to submit a spontaneous application, you are of course welcome to do so. We respond as time permits and we only respond to spontaneous applications we receive that meet all of our criteria for getting a job as a guide.

Send your application to:


Jobba i Abisko i sommar

Guidande sportshef till sommarsäsongen 2025

Vi söker dig som är utbildad guide och kan jobba mycket självständigt med allt från att planera schema, arbeta administrativt med bokningar och guida på fjället.

I denna tjänst är den primära uppgiften att hålla guidade vandringsturer som du själv har koll på i bokningssystemet, och schemalägga alt, boka in externa guider under högsäsong eller vid behov under stötte gruppbokningar.  Du kommer även ha en del kundkontakt och då svara på mail och i telefon. Du behöver kunna upprätthålla goda kontakter med övriga aktörer i området samt arbeta för ett gott och nära sammarbete med anläggningar där våra gäster bor.

Du uppdaterar även våra sociala medier med nya bilder efter genomförda turer samt arbetar för att bygga upp företagets bildbank.
Tjänsten börjar i mitten av juni, veckan innan midsommar.

  • Guideutbildning enligt fjälledarnormen
  • Första-hjälpen, uppdaterad
  • Körkort
  • Ha goda kunskaper i Engelska, både muntligt och skriftligt
  • Du ska ha ett stort intresse för allemansrätten och kunna förmedla vilka skyldigheter den medför.
  • Goda orienteringskunskaper, främst i fjällterräng
Meriterande men inte krav:
  • Kunskap om fjällflora, fåglar och nordiska djur
  • Kunskap om lokal historia och kultur.
  • Tala flera språk
  • Ha god kännedom om området Abisko-riksgränsen-fjällen och norra kungsleden.

Är det dig vi söker?
Maila till och bifoga personligt brev om varför just du vill jobba hos oss och CV.

Vi kommer endast behandla ansökningar som fyller samtliga kompetenskrav.
I mitten på maj kommer vi färdigställa våra anställningar. Har du inte hört något från oss innan dess så har du inte fått tjänsten.

Lycka till!

Requirements - winter season

Apply for a job

To apply for a possition you need to send us an e-mail to and attach a personal letter about you and why you want to work at Abisko Adventure, and a CV that meets the criteria for a possition with us.

  • Completed guide training that corresponds to the Swedish mountain leader standard, Fjälledarnormen
  • Up-to-date Wilderness first aid certification
  • Basic climbing licence, SKF grönt kort
  • Driving license
  • Be fluent in English, both spoken and written (it’s good if you can speak and wright in swedish as well, but it’s not a requirement)

The following list is not a requirement but is a great advantage if you have

  • Higher level of education, in-depth knowledge and experience about climbing
  • Snowmobile license
  • Avalanche training

Apply for an internship

To apply for a trainee possition at Abisko adventure you need to send us an e-mail to and attach a personal letter about you and why you want to intern with us, and a CV that meets the criteria for a possition with us as a trainee.

  • Be inroled in an ongoing guide training that corresponds to the Swedish mountain leader standard, Fjälledarnormen…
  • …or, has completed a guide training but needs more practice days
  • Basic climbing licence, SKF grönt kort
  • Be fluent in English, both spoken and written (it’s good if you can speak and wright in swedish as well, but it’s not a requirement)

The following list is not a requirement but is a great advantage if you have

  • Up-to-date Wilderness first aid certification
  • Driving license
  • Higher level of education, in-depth knowledge and experience about climbing

Requirements - summer season

Apply for a job

To apply for a possition you need to send us an e-mail to and attach a personal letter about you and why you want to work at Abisko Adventure, and a CV that meets the criteria for a possition with us.

  • Completed guide training that corresponds to the Swedish mountain leader standard, Fjälledarnormen
  • Up-to-date Wilderness first aid certification
  • Driving license
  • Be fluent in English, both spoken and written (it’s good if you can speak and wright in swedish as well, but it’s not a requirement)

The following list is not a requirement but is a great advantage if you have

  • Good knowledge of the Allemansrätten, Right of Access, and your responsibilities when visiting nature
  • Interested in mountain plants, wildlife, geology and cultural history
  • Good orientation skills and being able to use a map and compass without difficulty

Apply for an internship

To apply for a trainee possition at Abisko adventure you need to send us an e-mail to and attach a personal letter about you and why you want to intern with us, and a CV that meets the criteria for a possition with us as a trainee.

  • Be inroled in an ongoing guide training that corresponds to the Swedish mountain leader standard, Fjälledarnormen…
  • …or, has completed a guide training but needs more practice days
  • Be fluent in English, both spoken and written (it’s good if you can speak and wright in swedish as well, but it’s not a requirement)

The following list is not a requirement but is a great advantage if you have

  • Up-to-date Wilderness first aid certification
  • Driving license
  • Good knowledge of the Allemansrätten, Right of Access, and your responsibilities when visiting nature
  • Interested in mountain plants, wildlife, geology and cultural history
  • Good orientation skills and being able to use a map and compass without difficulty

Meet the team


Aril Petersson

Aril Petersson

Robin Byström Grein

Robin Byström Grein

Emilia Kihlén

Emilia Kihlén

Anna Arvidsson

Anna Arvidsson

Rasmus James

Rasmus James

David Sundberg

David Sundberg
Guide dog
Guide dog


Guide dog
Guide dog



Partners and certificates

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...your connection above the arctic circle

See our FAQ page where we have collected the most common questions about our company and our activities here in Abisko. If you can’t find the information you’r looking for, please send an e-mail to and we will reply as soon as we are back at the office.