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Emilia Kihlén

Stand-in manager & Head guide

Emilia is our head guide and stand-in manager. She is from Malmö, which is almost as far south as you can get in Sweden. Emilia is a huge fan of dogs and backcountry-skiing both nordic and alpine. Before she started working in Abisko she worked in Kittelfjäll which is Sweden’s best area for offpist-skiing by lift. Kittelfjäll is the area in sweden that is especially close to Emilias heart.
When she grows up she wants to live in a cabin by a lake with a lot of dogs and eat homemade waffles every day. If you’re lucky and get Emilia as your guide she might bring her dog, a samojed, on the tour.


  • Campus Åre Vildmarksutbildning, Mountain & Wilderness guide
  • SFLO Fjälledarnormen, Swedish mountain leader
  • SVELAV pro1, avalanche safety
  • SVELAV pro avalanche rescue
  • SKF Grönt kort, Climbing licence
  • Forsränningslicens, White water rafting licence
  • Första Hjälpen i Terräng, Wilderness first aid
  • Kajak instructor
  • Jägarexamen, Hunting licence

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...your connection above the arctic circle

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