Rasmus James
Rasmus is from Möndal, so called ”West coast – the best coast” He is a true outdoor person and enjoys climbing, all forms of skiing, kayaking, hiking, sailing, diving, freediving, on his spare time. Rasmus can hold his breath under water for more than 3 minutes!
His favourite mountain area in Sweden is Kebnekaise, where there is a lot of opportunities for great ski-runs and alpine climbing routes.
- Campus Åre Vildmarksutbildning, Mountain & wilderness guide
- SFLO Fjälledarnormen, Swedish mountain leader
- SVELAV pro1, avalanche safety
- SKF Grönt kort, Climbing licence
- SKF Rött kort, Climbing licence
- Rock climbing instructor trainee
- Forsränningslicens, White water rafting licence
- Blått paddelpass, Blue kayak certification
- Sailing coach