Trollsjön, Rissajaure (near Abisko) is one of the most stunning destinations in Swedish Lappland!
The hike up to the lake is surrounded by big rocks and boulders combined with lusch vegetation on the mountain meadows. The nature in these mountains is forever changing throughout the seasons of the year and the colors shift almost from day to day depending on the current weather and how high the sun is in the sky.
Trollsjön in Abisko is Sweden’s cleanest clear-water lake located 815 m above sea level in the end of the valley Kärkevagge at the foot of Gearggecorru and Vassejietnja and it’s a sterile mountain lake with meltwater from nearby glaciers. The visibility depth is 37 meter, all the way to the bottom of the deepest part of the lake. The depth of sight would most likely been longer if the lake had been deeper, it’s estimated to be about 70 meters.
On the way to Trollsjön, it is possible to see some animals such as reindeer, lemmings, buzzards, grouse, hares, mountain pipits and sometimes even sea eagles. In Kärkevagge there are also several typical mountain plants such as kvanne, stormhatt, glacier crowfoot, rose root, polar wool, polar willow and dwarf birch, so a good tip is to bring binoculars and a mountain flora on the hike.
Among the boulders in Kärkevagge are many caves and holes, estimated at around 3,000 in various sizes.
Tour details
- The tour includes transfer from/to your accommodation in Abisko or Björkliden.
- The tour starts from Abisko and begins with transport to Låkta where the trail through Kärkevagge to Trollsjön starts.
- From Låkta we hike to Trollsjön and take a break for lunch before it’s time to go back.
- The trip is estimated to take 6-8 hours depending on the weather and current conditions on the trail.
- The hike to trollsjön and back is approximetly 11 km and about 400 meter elevation.
See also our FAQ page where we have collected the most common questions we receive from our guests about our activities here in Abisko.