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Aril Petersson

Founder & Guide

Aril is the founder of Abisko Adventure and is a hard working family man. If he gets the chance he enjoys a nice multi pich climb on a steep icefall or a skitouring trip up a mountain top. Aril is hardly ever alone, when he doesn’t guide tours, the family dog Vassi usually keeps him company when he does office work. Arils favorite spot in the area around Abisko is ”the hidden valley” on the North side of the mountain Kaisepakte where there is a spectacular ice fall.


  • Outdoor Academy – Wilderness guide 
  • SFLO Fjälledarnormen, Swedish mountain leader
  • SVELAV pro1, avalanche rescue
  • SVELAV pro2, avalanche technician
  • Skiinstruktor 1, telemark
  • UIAA, Rock climbing instructor
  • UIAA, Ice climbing instructor
  • NOLS, Wilderness first responder   

Partners and certifikat

  • Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev



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