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Robin Byström Grein

Activity manager & Guide

Robin is our onsight manager, PR-person and head guide. Robin has a lot of experience in themountains. He started working in Abisko 2023 and before that he worked as a guide in another areas in the mid-south region of the mountain range. Robin grew up in Sundsvall right in the middleof Sweden’s east coast.Besides Robin’s guide related educations he has a bachelor in comminication &marketing and has been working several years as a project manager and group leaderwith IT Communication & marketing. Robin is also a certified yoga teacher, and yoga is a big part of Robin’s life besides various outdoor activities.


  • Campus Åre Vildmarksutbildning, Mountain & wilderness guide
  • SFLO Fjälledarnormen, Swedish mountain leader
  • SVELAV pro1, avalanche safety
  • SLAO Första Hjälpen i Terräng, Wilderness first aid
  • SKF Grönt kort, Climbing licence
  • SKF Rött kort, Climbing licence
  • Rock climbing instructor trainee
  • Certified yoga instructor

Partners and certifikat

  • Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev



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